Athletic Training

Athletic training is a great fit for any new or seasoned athlete looking to take their performance to the next level. At Live Fit Studios we work to achieve this by incorporating the following:

Strength Training to build explosive strength and power. Through strength training, athletes are able to produce more force at faster rates. Athletes will learn to lift weights with proper form, making them stronger in their sport.

Jump Training and Agility Drills to increase ground force production, core stability, and the ability to make rapid changes in direction. Athletes will focus on plyometric training like jumps, lateral bounds, and explosive movements to increase vertical jumps and speed.

Developing a foundation of strength and flexibility allows muscles to work together to minimize stress on the joints and ligaments. A great strength and conditioning program can help your athlete stay strong and healthy, reducing the risk of injury.

See the difference that athletic training can make. Book your session today, or send us a message with any questions. We look forward to working with you and your athlete!

A squat rack and adjustable bench.

Athletic training is a great fit for any new or seasoned athlete looking to take their performance to the next level. At Live Fit Studios we work to achieve this by incorporating the following:

Strength Training to build explosive strength and power. Through strength training, athletes are able to produce more force at faster rates. Athletes will learn to lift weights with proper form, making them stronger in their sport.

Jump Training and Agility Drills to increase ground force production, core stability, and the ability to make rapid changes in direction. Athletes will focus on plyometric training like jumps, lateral bounds, and explosive movements to increase vertical jumps and speed.

Developing a foundation of strength and flexibility allows muscles to work together to minimize stress on the joints and ligaments. A great strength and conditioning program can help your athlete stay strong and healthy, reducing the risk of injury.

See the difference that athletic training can make. Book your session today, or send us a message with any questions. We look forward to working with you and your athlete!

Athletes - Here's How To Get Started


Follow instructions in your email to set up your account, or simply log in if you've booked with us before.


Book your athlete’s first class.


Give your athlete a leg up on the 2023/2024 year!

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